Graduate & Professional



    American Historical Associationoffers research grants annually to further research in progress. Preference is given to advance doctoral students, non-tenured faculty, and unaffiliated scholars. They may be used for travel to a library or archive; microfilming, photography, or photocopying; borrowing or access fees; and similar research expenses. Only AHA members are eligible.

    American Musicological Society: Alvin H. Johnson AMS 50 Dissertation Fellowships. This fellowship can be used for the final year of dissertation writing for PhD students with an emphasis on musical scholarship.

    Kress Foundation/Interpretive Fellowship at Art Museums  Four $30,000 Interpretive Art Museum Fellowships for one-year internships for training in interpretation (either as a museum educator or curator) in European art at an American art museum.)

    Leo Baeck InstituteFritz Halbers Fellowship for the study of history and culture of the German-speaking Jewry, and Internship at the LBI Institute for research on Jewish refugees in the 1930s and 1940s.) 

    Mc Neil Center for Early American StudiesFellowships for doctoral candidates from any PhD-granting institution who are in the research or writing stage of the dissertation. For any project dealing with the histories and cultures of North America in the Atlantic world before 1850. Applications are encouraged from all relevant disciplines, including African American Studies, American Studies, Anthropology, Economics, Folklore, History, Law, Literature, Music, Political Science, Religion, Urban Studies, and Women’s Studies.)

    Smithsonian InstitutionFellowships at the Smithsonian Institution provide students and scholars with opportunities to pursue independent research projects in association with members of the Smithsonian professional research staff. The website contains a comprehensive guide to multiple Smithsonian fellowships.


    Aurora’s Internship Program with Boeingis an 8 to 12 week internship located in Manassas, VA. The program offers a competitive salary, housing and transportation allowance if required. During the allotted time mentors and team members guide you through your work, help you integrate in our culture of collaboration and further develop and gain new skills. 

    The Rand Corporation Graduate Student Summer Associate Programintroduces outstanding graduate students to RAND, an institution that conducts research on a wide range of national security problems and domestic and international social policy issues. RAND’s core research areas range from a variety of disciplines including Education and Literacy and Workers and the Workplace. 


    Fulbright U.S. Student Program, offers an English Teaching Assistant Program (ETA) that places Fulbrighters in classrooms abroad to provide assistance to the local English teachers. ETA’s help teach English language while serving as cultural ambassadors for the U.S. The age and academic level of the student varies by country, ranging from kindergarten to university level.

    International Reading AssociationHelen M. Robinson Grant for doctoral students at the early stages of their dissertation research in the area of reading and literacy; Jeanne S. Chall Research Fellowship to support reading/literacy research for dissertations; Dissertation of the Year Award; Stahl Research Grant for graduate research to a recipient with at least three years of teaching experience conducting classroom research (including action research) focused on improving reading instruction and children’s reading achievement. Applicants must be Association members. )

    Spencer Foundation: Spencer Dissertation Fellowships for Research Related to Educationoffers Dissertation Fellowships for research related to education. Although the dissertation topic must concern education, graduate study may be in any academic discipline or professional field. In the past, fellowships have been awarded to candidates in anthropology, architecture, art history, ºìÐÓÊÓƵs, education, history, linguistics, literature, philosophy, political science, public health, psychology, religion, and sociology, but eligibility is not restricted to these academic areas. Candidates should be interested in pursuing further research in education once the doctorate is attained. U.S. and International students can apply.


    Fulbright U.S. Student Program, offers an English Teaching Assistant Program (ETA) that places Fulbrighters in classrooms abroad to provide assistance to the local English teachers. ETA’s help teach English language while serving as cultural ambassadors for the U.S. The age and academic level of the student varies by country, ranging from kindergarten to university level.

    Winterthur Fellowship in Arts and Industries offers unparalleled access to a wealth of museum, garden, and library ºìÐÓÊÓƵ supporting material culture and literature research. As an interdisciplinary center for ºìÐÓÊÓƵ-based scholarships and conservation, Winterthur encourages researchers to explore and immerse themselves in holistic and intimate inquiry from a wide range of disciplines. Academic, independent, and museum scholars as well as advanced graduated students are invited to apply for short term (1-3) months or long term (4-9 months) residential research fellowships. 


    Cyber Student Intern Program is a 10 week program designed to give current students, undergraduate and graduate, an opportunity to work alongside cyber leaders with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

    United States Institute of Peaceis offering the Peace Scholar Dissertation Fellowships for dissertations on international conflict, violence, resolution, and peace. Citizens of all countries are eligible, but must be enrolled in an accredited college or university in the United States.


    American Association of University Women/ International Fellowshipsoffer fellowships for women who are not American citizens or permanent residents, to support final year of dissertation writing.


    Dumbarton Oaks: Residential FellowshipsThe Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection is an international center for scholarship, providing resources dissertation research and completion on site in Byzantine Studies (including related aspects of late Roman, early Christian, western medieval, Slavic, and Near Eastern Studies), Pre-Columbian Studies (of Mexico, Central America, and Andean South America), and Garden and Landscape Studies. 

    Ford (Gerald R.) Library: Research Travel Grants ProgramGerald R. Ford Scholar Award (Dissertation Award) in Honor of Robert Teeter to support dissertation research on an aspect of the U.S. political process during the latter part of the twentieth century.

    The Gerald R. Ford Presidential Foundation awards several research travel grants of up to $2,200 each in support of research in the holdings of Gerald R. Ford Library. A grant defrays travel and living expenses of a research trip to the Ford Library. Grants are award twice a year with application deadlines of March 15 and September 15. 

    Hagley Museum and Library: Henry Belin du Pont Fellowshipoffer fellowships to pursue advanced research and study in the library, archival, and artifact ºìÐÓÊÓƵ of the Hagley Museum & Library, located in Wilmington, Delaware. Applicants must be from out of state and preference will be given to those whose travel costs to Hagley will be higher.)

    Hagley Museum and Library offer grants-in-aid: Short-term grants-in-aid support visits to Hagley, located in Wilmington, Delaware, for research in the imprint, manuscript, pictorial, and artifact ºìÐÓÊÓƵ. Supports travel, living expenses. Grants are available to degree candidates and senior scholars and writers working independently as well as college and university teachers, librarians, archivists, museum curators, and scholars from fields other than humanities.

    Truman Library Institute Grants ProgramDissertation Support for work on some aspect of the life and career of Harry S. Truman or on the public and foreign policy issues which were prominent during the Truman years. Additionally, grants are awarded to graduate students, post-doctoral scholars and other researchers to use the Harry S. Truman Library ºìÐÓÊÓƵ for up to three weeks.


    American Academy of Optometry:Graduate Fellowship for full-time program of study and training in research that leads to the Masters or Ph.D. degree in vision science. 

    American Association of Equine PractitionersScholarships to 4th-year veterinary students who have indicated a strong desire to pursue a career in equine medicine.

    American Psychological Association: Dissertation Research Awards offers funding for dissertation research, graduate research, and conference and travel awards

    Cancer Research and Prevention Foundationhas a variety of Postdoctoral fellowships in basic, clinical, translational and population-based research projects, educational programs in cancer prevention, early detection projects, and behavioral intervention projects that lead to reduction in the incidence of cancer. Graduate students can apply but must have PhD before start of funded project.

    CDC Evaluation Fellowship Program: This Fellowship is intended to be a two-year program, with the second year contingent on satisfactory performance and availability of funds. Fellows receive a monthly stipend (based on education level and experience), substantial financial support for professional development, and a supplement to offset health insurance costs.

    International Association for Dental ResearchMultiple prizes, awards, travel grants, fellowships for dental research and dental education.

    Oncology Nursing Society(ONS) Foundationoffers multiple awards, grants, scholarships, including Masters and PhD support for research that improves cancer nursing.)


    Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia: Jessup and McHenry Awards are given to postgraduate, doctoral and postdoctoral study at the Academy. Jessup funds are awarded to studies in any specialty in which curators have expertise. 

    American Council of Learned Societiesthe ACLS offers several programs that offer grants and fellowship packages. The ACLS are open to international applicants, as well as U.S. students who are studying around the world.  The ACLS supports a variety of disciplines, focusing on the Arts, History, Culture Studies, Religion, and the Social Sciences. There are no restrictions on citizenship or the student’s home university. All applications must be submitted in English.

    American Institute of Indian Studiesoffers research fellowship for study in India for doctoral candidates in all fields. The American Institute of Indian Studies also supports the advancement of knowledge and understanding of India, its people, and culture.

    American Oil Chemists SocietyVarious fellowships and awards designed to encourage and support outstanding research in all aspects of fats and oils.

    Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences (BIOS)Graduate Internship Program, designed to allow graduate students to pursue thesis or dissertation research. The resources and environment of BIOS are most suited to students interested in biological and oceanographic studies of subtropical, shallow-water environments, and the open ocean. Graduate interns at BIOS must be enrolled in a Ph.D. or M.S. program at an accredited university.

    German Academic Exchange ServiceThe Deutsher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) offers many scholarships and grants for all academic disciplines for study, research in Germany, and for intensive German language programs.

    Harvard Academy for International and Area Studies: Scholars ProgramThe purpose of the Academy Scholars Program is to identify and support outstanding scholars whose work combines disciplinary excellence in the social sciences (including history and law) with an in-depth grounding in particular non-Western countries or regions, including domestic, comparative, or transnational issues. (For pre- and post-doctoral scholars).

    National Radio Astronomy Observatory(NRAO)The NRAO Graduate Summer Student Research Assistantship program is for first or second year graduate students who are citizens or permanent residents of the United States or its possessions or who are eligible for a Curriculum Practical Training (CPT) from an accredited U.S. Graduate Program. Preference is given to students in astronomy, physics, engineering, computer science, and mathematics. NRAO also supports paid internships, and dissertation fellowships.

    Summer Data Workshop administered by Michigan Retirement and Disability Research Center (MRDRC) Two funding awards for (1) the Health and Retirement Survey (HRS) Summer Workshop and (2) the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) Data User Workshop; each award will cover airfare, lodging, per diem, and tuition expenses; applicants must separately apply for and be accepted into a workshop to be considered for funds

    Social Science Research Council: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Fellowship Programprovides recent PhD recipients with opportunities to conduct research in Japan under the leadership of a host researcher. Fellows are encouraged to advance their own research and at the same time closely collaborate with young Japanese researchers and contribute to Japanese research communities. 


    Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research Inc.Grants in anthropology to aid doctoral dissertation or thesis research.

    Zonta International FoundationAmelia Earhart Fellowship, for women pursuing aerospace-related sciences.


     Mellon Mays Undergraduate & Graduate Fellowship Program (MMUF) Travel & Research Grantprovide eligible graduate students with the financial means to complete their research prior to the start of dissertation writing. Funding is for one summer or one semester of travel and or research support. Awards are based on the scholarly merit of the individual application received. 


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