FAQ's (Coming To Claflin)

Frequently Asked Questions
  • Where is the link for my classes?

    Zoom links for your classes should be posted on your Moodle class pages.
  • I am having difficulty logging into to Outlook and or Moodle.

    24/7 Tech Support (803) 535-5757

    Please update your password following the steps below as every 90 days password expires. 

    1. Sign in to your Office 365 account online (not from app)
    2. Click on your Initials at the top right corner and choose My Account
    3. Select Security and Privacy from the left panel and click on Password
    4. Enter your old password, and then your new password and confirm new password
    5. Your new password now is your network password to log in to Moodle, Email and others except My Claflin account
    6. If you are not able to login to Moodle right away please wait 2 minutes for the server to sync your new password and then try again. Please do not try too many times within the 2 minutes time period as 3 or more attempts may lock your account.
  • How can I access my academic schedule?

    Your academic schedule can be found on MyClaflin.   Instructions can be found below.



  • I am a commuter, can I take classes in person this spring?

    Commuter students who are fully vaccinated are allowed to take in-person classes.


  • How do I order my books and course materials?


  • I am locked out of Moodle/My Moodle Isn’t working:

    We have a brand new Moodle mobile app for you for better accessibility. You can download the app directly from  or just scan the QR code from your mobile device. QR code and help video is attached to this below.


    Important information about your Spring semester course code end with – SP-2020 (course codes go by the academic calendar year) for example current spring semester course SURVEY OF WORLD HISTORY I is listed with HIST-201-51-DE-MC-SP-2020

    Furthermore, you can log in to Moodle by entering your network ID and Password, which you use to access your Email, and Office 365.  Just remember every 90 days your password needs to be reset for security reasons. Your help is just a call or clicks away.

     24/7 Tech Support (803) 535-5757


    Moodle website – 

  • How do I schedule an appointment with my advisor via Insight?

    INSIGHT Login Instructions34281
  • How do I set up a payment plan?

    Please follow steps found at the following link to set up your payment plan


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